Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

good form

  • 1 good form

    good form
    boas maneiras.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > good form

  • 2 be in good form

    (to be in good spirits or health: She's in good form after her holiday.) estar em forma

    English-Portuguese dictionary > be in good form

  • 3 be in good form

    (to be in good spirits or health: She's in good form after her holiday.) estar em forma

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > be in good form

  • 4 form

    I 1. [fo:m] noun
    1) ((a) shape; outward appearance: He saw a strange form in the darkness.) vulto
    2) (a kind, type or variety: What form of ceremony usually takes place when someone gets a promotion?) tipo
    3) (a document containing certain questions, the answers to which must be written on it: an application form.) formulário
    4) (a fixed way of doing things: forms and ceremonies.) formalidade
    5) (a school class: He is in the sixth form.) ano
    2. verb
    1) (to make; to cause to take shape: They decided to form a drama group.) formar
    2) (to come into existence; to take shape: An idea slowly formed in his mind.) formar-se
    3) (to organize or arrange (oneself or other people) into a particular order: The women formed (themselves) into three groups.) juntar(-se)
    4) (to be; to make up: These lectures form part of the medical course.) constituir
    - be in good form
    - in the form of
    II [fo:m] noun
    (a long, usually wooden seat: The children were sitting on forms.) banco
    * * *
    [fɔ:m] n 1 forma, configuração, aparência, aspecto, contorno, formato. his gratitude took the form of a check / sua gratidão manifestou-se em forma de cheque. 2 figura, feição, feitio, talhe, vulto. 3 molde, modelo, padrão, forma. the disease appears under various forms / a doença manifesta-se de vários modos. 4 constituição específica, estrutura, sistema, arranjo e estilo, em composição literária, musical ou plástica. his form in running is bad / seu estilo de corrida não é bom. 5 método, uso, ritual, prática, praxe, formalidade. 6 ordem, disposição, norma, arranjo. 7 formulário: documento impresso ou datilografado com claros para preencher. 8 estado, caráter, aparição, visão, condição, manifestação. 9 espécie, sorte, variedade. heat, light, electricity are forms of energy / calor, luz, eletricidade são espécies de energia. 10 Philos forma. 11 Gram flexão. 12 Brit classe, série (nas escolas). 13 Typogr forma. 14 Brit banco escolar. • vt+vi 1 formar, afeiçoar, dar forma ou feição a (alguma coisa), moldar, modelar, fazer, fabricar, criar. form good habits while you are young / adquira bons hábitos enquanto for jovem. 2 formar-se, tomar forma, surgir. 3 produzir, fazer, criar, converter-se em, constituir. 4 conceber, idear, planejar, imaginar. 5 organizar, formar-se, estabelecer. we formed a club / constituímos um clube. 6 adquirir, contrair, ensinar, educar. 7 pôr em ordem, dispor em certa ordem. the soldiers formed themselves into lines / os soldados entraram em forma. 8 Gram servir de, construir (frases, sentenças). a matter of form uma formalidade. a mere form uma mera formalidade. bad form sem modos, sem educação. clouds form in the sky no céu formam-se nuvens. for form’s sake por formalidade, pro forma. good form boas maneiras. in due and legal form nos termos da lei. in due form em devida forma. in great form com ótima disposição. it is bad form isso não se faz, não está direito. to form the mind desenvolver a inteligência. to form up entrar em forma, ficar em fila. water forms ice água converte-se em gelo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > form

  • 5 form

    I 1. [fo:m] noun
    1) ((a) shape; outward appearance: He saw a strange form in the darkness.) forma
    2) (a kind, type or variety: What form of ceremony usually takes place when someone gets a promotion?) tipo
    3) (a document containing certain questions, the answers to which must be written on it: an application form.) formulário
    4) (a fixed way of doing things: forms and ceremonies.) formalidade
    5) (a school class: He is in the sixth form.) série
    2. verb
    1) (to make; to cause to take shape: They decided to form a drama group.) formar, constituir
    2) (to come into existence; to take shape: An idea slowly formed in his mind.) tomar forma
    3) (to organize or arrange (oneself or other people) into a particular order: The women formed (themselves) into three groups.) organizar(-se)
    4) (to be; to make up: These lectures form part of the medical course.) constituir
    - be in good form - in the form of II [fo:m] noun
    (a long, usually wooden seat: The children were sitting on forms.) banco

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > form

  • 6 grace

    [ɡreis] 1. noun
    1) (beauty of form or movement: The dancer's movements had very little grace.) graça
    2) (a sense of what is right: At least he had the grace to leave after his dreadful behaviour.) gentileza
    3) (a short prayer of thanks for a meal.) acção de graças
    4) (a delay allowed as a favour: You should have paid me today but I'll give you a day's grace.) mercê
    5) (the title of a duke, duchess or archbishop: Your/His Grace.) Excelência
    6) (mercy: by the grace of God.) graça
    - gracefully
    - gracefulness
    - gracious
    2. interjection
    (an exclamation of surprise.) valha-me Deus
    - graciousness
    - with a good/bad grace
    - with good/bad grace
    * * *
    [greis] n 1 graça, beleza, encanto. 2 favor, benevolência. 3 perdão, mercê. 4 graça divina, amor divino. 5 oração de mesa. 6 tempo de espera, tempo de graça. 7 virtude, dignidade, decoro, mérito. 8 adiamento, prazo. 9 University isenção. • vt 1 ornar, enfeitar. 2 honrar, exaltar, agraciar. act of grace ato de perdão. airs and graces afetação, grã-finismo. a year’s grace período de graça de um ano. by grace of the Senate por decisão do senado. by the grace of God pela graça de Deus. fall from grace 1 perder os favores. 2 lapso de boa conduta. his, her, your Grace Vossa Alteza, Vossa Eminência. in a state of grace em estado de graça. the Graces Myth as Graças. the year of grace o ano da graça de... to be in the grace of estar nas graças de. with a bad grace contrariado, de má vontade. with a good grace de boa vontade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > grace

  • 7 judge

    1. verb
    1) (to hear and try (cases) in a court of law: Who will be judging this murder case?) julgar
    2) (to decide which is the best in a competition etc: Is she going to judge the singing competition again?; Who will be judging the vegetables at the flower show?; Who is judging at the horse show?) julgar
    3) (to consider and form an idea of; to estimate: You can't judge a man by his appearance; Watch how a cat judges the distance before it jumps; She couldn't judge whether he was telling the truth.) julgar
    4) (to criticize for doing wrong: We have no right to judge him - we might have done the same thing ourselves.) julgar
    2. noun
    1) (a public officer who hears and decides cases in a law court: The judge asked if the jury had reached a verdict.) juiz
    2) (a person who decides which is the best in a competition etc: The judge's decision is final (= you cannot argue with the judge's decision); He was asked to be on the panel of judges at the beauty contest.) juiz
    3) (a person who is skilled at deciding how good etc something is: He says she's honest, and he's a good judge of character; He seems a very fine pianist to me, but I'm no judge.) juiz
    - judgment
    - judging from / to judge from
    - pass judgement on
    - pass judgement
    * * *
    [dʒ∧dʒ] n 1 juiz, árbitro, julgador. 2 Judge Juiz Supremo, Deus. 3 perito, técnico, especialista. he is a good judge of cattle / ele é um perito de gado vacum. • vt+vi 1 julgar, sentenciar. I judge of him from his behaviour / eu o julgo pelo seu comportamento. 2 decidir, concluir, considerar como. 3 avaliar, ajuizar, opinar. he judges the merits of their proposal / ele avalia os méritos de sua proposta. 4 criticar, condenar, censurar. 5 expor, considerar, pensar. as far as I can judge segundo meu modo de pensar. as God is my judge! assim Deus me salve!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > judge

  • 8 estimate

    1. ['estimeit] verb
    1) (to judge size, amount, value etc, especially roughly or without measuring: He estimated that the journey would take two hours.) calcular
    2) (to form an idea or judgement of how good etc something is: I estimated my chances of escape as very good.) calcular
    2. [-mət] noun
    (a calculation (eg of the probable cost etc of something): He gave us an estimate of the cost of repairing the stonework; a rough estimate.) estimativa
    * * *
    ['estim2t] n 1 estimativa, avaliação. 2 cálculo, cômputo, orçamento. • ['estimeit] vt 1 estimar, avaliar, calcular, orçar. 2 julgar, considerar. rough estimate orçamento aproximado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > estimate

  • 9 haul

    [ho:l] 1. verb
    1) (to pull with great effort or difficulty: Horses are used to haul barges along canals.) puxar
    2) (to carry by some form of transport: Coal is hauled by road and rail.) transportar
    2. noun
    1) (a strong pull: He gave the rope a haul.) puxão
    2) (the amount of anything, especially fish, that is got at one time: The fishermen had a good haul; The thieves got away from the jeweller's with a good haul.) colheita
    - haulier
    - a long haul
    * * *
    [hɔ:l] n 1 ação de puxar, arrastamento. 2 distância ou quantidade puxada. 3 quantidade apanhada de uma só vez, bolada. 4 lanço de rede, redada. • vt+vi 1 puxar, arrastar. 2 extrair (carvão). 3 Naut rebocar, mudar de curso, de direção. to haul ashore puxar à terra. to haul down arriar (bandeira). to haul over the coals repreender. to haul round virar (vento). to haul tight mudar de curso. to haul upon the wind Naut virar a proa para o vento.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > haul

  • 10 order

    ['o:də] 1. noun
    1) (a statement (by a person in authority) of what someone must do; a command: He gave me my orders.) ordem
    2) (an instruction to supply something: orders from Germany for special gates.) ordem
    3) (something supplied: Your order is nearly ready.) encomenda
    4) (a tidy state: The house is in (good) order.) ordem
    5) (a system or method: I must have order in my life.) ordem
    6) (an arrangement (of people, things etc) in space, time etc: in alphabetical order; in order of importance.) ordem
    7) (a peaceful condition: law and order.) ordem
    8) (a written instruction to pay money: a banker's order.) ordem
    9) (a group, class, rank or position: This is a list of the various orders of plants; the social order.) classe
    10) (a religious society, especially of monks: the Benedictine order.) ordem
    2. verb
    1) (to tell (someone) to do something (from a position of authority): He ordered me to stand up.) mandar
    2) (to give an instruction to supply: I have ordered some new furniture from the shop; He ordered a steak.) encomendar
    3) (to put in order: Should we order these alphabetically?) ordenar
    3. noun
    1) (a hospital attendant who does routine jobs.) auxiliar
    2) (a soldier who carries an officer's orders and messages.) ordenança
    - order-form
    - in order
    - in order that
    - in order
    - in order to
    - made to order
    - on order
    - order about
    - out of order
    - a tall order
    * * *
    ['ɔ:də] n 1 ordem, seqüência, disposição. 2 regra, norma, método. 3 arrumação. 4 condição, estado. 5 classe, categoria. 6 mando, diretiva. 7 comando. 8 pedido, encomenda. 9 encargo. 10 natureza. 11 sociedade religiosa ou fraternal. 12 ordem de pagamento. 13 ordenação. 14 comenda. 15 condição normal, correta, apropriada. 16 estado de eficiência. 17 regulamento. 18 qualidade, espécie, prescrição, receita. • vt+vi 1 ordenar, dispor, arranjar. 2 mandar, determinar. 3 comandar. 4 regular. 5 decidir, resolver. 6 pedir, encomendar. 7 consagrar. 8 Med receitar. banker’s order = link=standing%20orderstanding order. autorizado para débito em conta bancária. by order of por ordem de. I am not under your orders eu não estou sob as suas ordens. in due order em perfeita ordem. in good order em bom estado. in order that a fim de que. in order to a fim de. in short order rapidamente. made to order feito por encomenda. mail order aquisição de bens pelo correio. of/ in the order of Brit on the order of Amer cerca de, da ordem de. on order pedido, mas ainda não recebido. order of the day ordem do dia. orders are orders ordens são ordens. out of order desarranjado, enguiçado. pecking order ordem hierárquica. postal order vale postal. temporary restraining order liminar. to call to order chamar à ordem. to keep order manter a ordem. to order about ou around mandar de lá para cá. to order out mandar sair. to place an order Com fazer um pedido. to take orders / to be in orders ordenar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > order

  • 11 estimate

    1. ['estimeit] verb
    1) (to judge size, amount, value etc, especially roughly or without measuring: He estimated that the journey would take two hours.) estimar
    2) (to form an idea or judgement of how good etc something is: I estimated my chances of escape as very good.) avaliar
    2. [-mət] noun
    (a calculation (eg of the probable cost etc of something): He gave us an estimate of the cost of repairing the stonework; a rough estimate.) estimativa

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > estimate

  • 12 grace

    [ɡreis] 1. noun
    1) (beauty of form or movement: The dancer's movements had very little grace.) graça
    2) (a sense of what is right: At least he had the grace to leave after his dreadful behaviour.) decoro
    3) (a short prayer of thanks for a meal.) ação de graças
    4) (a delay allowed as a favour: You should have paid me today but I'll give you a day's grace.) adiamento
    5) (the title of a duke, duchess or archbishop: Your/His Grace.) Alteza, Graça
    6) (mercy: by the grace of God.) graça
    - gracefully - gracefulness - gracious 2. interjection
    (an exclamation of surprise.) por Deus
    - graciousness - with a good/bad grace - with good/bad grace

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > grace

  • 13 haul

    [ho:l] 1. verb
    1) (to pull with great effort or difficulty: Horses are used to haul barges along canals.) puxar
    2) (to carry by some form of transport: Coal is hauled by road and rail.) carrear
    2. noun
    1) (a strong pull: He gave the rope a haul.) puxão
    2) (the amount of anything, especially fish, that is got at one time: The fishermen had a good haul; The thieves got away from the jeweller's with a good haul.) butim
    - haulier - a long haul

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > haul

  • 14 judge

    1. verb
    1) (to hear and try (cases) in a court of law: Who will be judging this murder case?) julgar
    2) (to decide which is the best in a competition etc: Is she going to judge the singing competition again?; Who will be judging the vegetables at the flower show?; Who is judging at the horse show?) arbitrar
    3) (to consider and form an idea of; to estimate: You can't judge a man by his appearance; Watch how a cat judges the distance before it jumps; She couldn't judge whether he was telling the truth.) julgar
    4) (to criticize for doing wrong: We have no right to judge him - we might have done the same thing ourselves.) julgar
    2. noun
    1) (a public officer who hears and decides cases in a law court: The judge asked if the jury had reached a verdict.) juiz
    2) (a person who decides which is the best in a competition etc: The judge's decision is final (= you cannot argue with the judge's decision); He was asked to be on the panel of judges at the beauty contest.) árbitro
    3) (a person who is skilled at deciding how good etc something is: He says she's honest, and he's a good judge of character; He seems a very fine pianist to me, but I'm no judge.) perito
    - judgement
    - judgment - judging from / to judge from - pass judgement on - pass judgement

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > judge

  • 15 the

    [ðə, ði]
    (The form [ðə] is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house or consonant sound eg the union [ðə'ju:njən]; the form [ði] is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple or vowel sound eg the honour [ði 'onə]) o/a
    1) (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known: Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off!)
    2) (used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc: The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well.) o/a
    3) (used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names: the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean).)
    4) (used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc: In this job we are paid by the hour.) o/a
    5) (used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other: He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all.) o/a
    6) ((often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc: He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it.) muito
    - the...
    * * *
    [ðə, ði, enfaticamente ði:] art o, a, os, as. the day I spoke to him / o dia em que falei com ele. the place you mean / o lugar a que você se refere. all the men who escaped / todos os homens que escaparam. milk is the medicament for you / leite é (exatamente) o medicamento para você. the... the... tanto... quanto... I am the better pleased the oftener you write / fico tanto mais satisfeito, quanto mais você escreve. all the better tanto melhor. by the day por dia. (so much) the worse for you tanto pior para você. the good o bom, os bons. the more, the better quanto mais, quanto melhor. the sooner quanto mais cedo. the sooner the better quanto antes, melhor.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the

  • 16 case

    I [keis] noun
    1) (an instance or example: another case of child-beating; a bad case of measles.) caso
    2) (a particular situation: It's different in my case.) caso
    3) (a legal trial: The judge in this case is very fair.) caso
    4) (an argument or reason: There's a good case for thinking he's wrong.) razão
    5) ((usually with the) a fact: I don't think that's really the case.) caso
    6) (a form of a pronoun (eg he or him), noun or adjective showing its relation to other words in the sentence.) caso
    - in case of
    - in that case
    II [keis] noun
    1) (a container or outer covering: a case of medical instruments; a suitcase.) maleta
    2) (a crate or box: six cases of whisky.) caixa
    3) (a piece of furniture for displaying or containing things: a glass case full of china; a bookcase.) estante
    * * *
    [keis] n 1 estojo. 2 caixa. 3 cápsula. 4 bainha. 5 coldre. 6 escrínio. 7 cobertura. 8 capa protetora para livros. 9 mala. 10 qualquer objeto que resguarda ou contém outro. 11 Tech invólucro, revestimento. 12 sl figura, pessoa excêntrica, diferente, divertida. • vt encaixar, cobrir. attaché case pasta retangular 007 usada por executivos. book case estante de livros. brief case pasta para papéis ou documentos. cigarette case cigarreira. crank case cárter. cylinder case camisa de cilindro. dressing case estojo de toucador. gear case caixa de engrenagem. jewel case porta-jóias. lower case Typogr caixa de minúsculas. pillow case fronha. show case vitrine, mostra. suit case mala de roupa. upper case Typogr caixa de maiúsculas. vanity case necessaire, estojo de cosméticos.
    [keis] n 1 Gram caso, desinência de nomes e pronomes. 2 caso. 3 circunstância. 4 acidente. 5 conjetura. 6 exemplo. 7 causa judicial. 8 caso, manifestação individual de doença. 9 paciente, doente. a lost case uma causa perdida. as the case may be conforme for. case in point exemplo característico. his case is that seu argumento principal é que. in any case em todo o caso, seja como for. in case he comes caso ele venha. in case of need em caso de necessidade. in no case de forma alguma. in such a case nesse caso, se assim for. just in case a título de prevenção. leading case Jur caso de precedência. to make out one’s case saber se defender, justificar-se. to meet the case ser satisfatório, adequado, servir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > case

  • 17 figure

    ['fiɡə, ]( American[) 'fiɡjər] 1. noun
    1) (the form or shape of a person: A mysterious figure came towards me; That girl has got a good figure.) figura
    2) (a (geometrical) shape: The page was covered with a series of triangles, squares and other geometrical figures.) figura
    3) (a symbol representing a number: a six-figure telephone number.) número/cifra, algarismo
    4) (a diagram or drawing to explain something: The parts of a flower are shown in figure 3.) figura
    2. verb
    1) (to appear (in a story etc): She figures largely in the story.) figurar
    2) (to think, estimate or consider: I figured that you would arrive before half past eight.) calcular
    - figuratively
    - figurehead
    - figure of speech
    - figure out
    * * *
    [f'igə] n 1 figura, imagem, forma, aparência, contorno, vulto. he cuts a sorry figure / ele faz triste figura. 2 corpo, talhe, parte. 3 individualidade, personagem eminente. 4 diagrama, desenho, emblema, ilustração, figura geométrica. 5 algarismo, cifra aritmética, número. it runs into seven figures / alcança números de sete algarismos. 6 preço, valor, quantia, importância. what’s the figure / quanto custa isso. 7 símbolo. • vt+vi 1 figurar, formar uma imagem de, desenhar, simbolizar. he figures as the villain / ele faz o papel de vilão. 2 formar uma idéia ou imagem mental de, imaginar. 3 numerar, marcar por meio de números ou algarismos, computar, calcular, avaliar. 4 Mus embelezar, adornar, entremear de imagens, assinalar os respectivos acordes. 5 fazer figura, tomar parte em, salientar-se. 6 fazer cálculos matemáticos, decifrar. a famous figure in history um grande vulto da história. a fine figure of a man or woman homem ou mulher bem apessoados, atraentes, altos e elegantes. figure ground perception Com percepção de figura de fundo. Em marketing é a percepção de objetos ou eventos quando eles sobressaem claramente em um determinado fundo. figure of speech figuras de linguagem (metáfora, antítese, personificação, etc.). figure to yourself imagine só. mother figure símbolo da mãe. that figures! isto faz sentido! to figure as passar por, parecer, afigurar-se. to figure in aparecer, fazer parte de. to figure on Amer coll contar com, esperar. to figure out calcular, figurar, imaginar. to keep one’s figure conservar-se esbelto. to lose one’s figure engordar, perder a linha. what a figure you are! coll que figura você faz!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > figure

  • 18 lady

    1) (a more polite form of woman: Tell that child to stand up and let that lady sit down; The lady in the flower shop said that roses are expensive just now; Ladies' shoes are upstairs in this shop; ( also adjective) a lady doctor.) senhora
    2) (a woman of good manners and refined behaviour: Be quiet! Ladies do not shout in public.) senhora
    3) (in the United Kingdom, used as the title of, or a name for, a woman of noble rank: Sir James and Lady Brown; lords and ladies.) Lady
    - Ladyship
    - ladybird
    * * *
    [l'eidi] n (pl ladies) 1 senhora, dama, fidalga. 2 esposa, dona da casa. 3 Lady título de nobreza. 4 amada, namorada, amante. Lady in the Chair Astr Cassiopéia: constelação boreal. lady of the house dona de casa. Our Lady Nossa Senhora.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lady

  • 19 make

    [meik] 1. past tense, past participle - made; verb
    1) (to create, form or produce: God made the Earth; She makes all her own clothes; He made it out of paper; to make a muddle/mess of the job; to make lunch/coffee; We made an arrangement/agreement/deal/bargain.) fazer
    2) (to compel, force or cause (a person or thing to do something): They made her do it; He made me laugh.) obrigar
    3) (to cause to be: I made it clear; You've made me very unhappy.) tornar
    4) (to gain or earn: He makes $100 a week; to make a profit.) ganhar
    5) ((of numbers etc) to add up to; to amount to: 2 and 2 make(s) 4.) perfazer
    6) (to become, turn into, or be: He'll make an excellent teacher.) ser
    7) (to estimate as: I make the total 483.) calcular
    8) (to appoint, or choose, as: He was made manager.) ser nomeado
    9) (used with many nouns to give a similar meaning to that of the verb from which the noun is formed: He made several attempts (= attempted several times); They made a left turn (= turned left); He made (= offered) a suggestion/proposal; Have you any comments to make?) fazer
    2. noun
    (a (usually manufacturer's) brand: What make is your new car?) marca
    - making
    - make-believe
    - make-over
    - makeshift
    - make-up
    - have the makings of
    - in the making
    - make a/one's bed
    - make believe
    - make do
    - make for
    - make it
    - make it up
    - make something of something
    - make of something
    - make something of
    - make of
    - make out
    - make over
    - make up
    - make up for
    - make up one's mind
    - make up to
    * * *
    [meik] n 1 feitura. 2 feitio. 3 marca, modelo. 4 fabrico, manufatura. • vt+vi (ps, pp made) 1 fazer, fabricar. 2 construir. 3 criar. 4 elaborar. 5 compor. 6 efetuar. 7 causar, motivar. 8 executar, representar. 9 resultar. 10 dispor. 11 preparar. 12 determinar, promulgar. 13 promover. 14 constituir. 15 ganhar, lograr. 16 forçar, induzir, compelir. 17 dirigir-se. 18 marcar pontos (jogos). 19 surtir efeito. 20 deduzir. 21 julgar. 22 percorrer. 23 servir. 24 atingir. 25 receber, ganhar. 26 refrear. to make a book bancar apostas (nas corridas). to make a call dar um telefonema. to make account of estimar, considerar. to make acquaintance travar relações. to make a draft fazer um saque. to make against ser desfavorável a. to make an apology dar uma desculpa. to make application fazer um pedido de (emprego). to make as if fingir. to make away with a) desfazer-se de. b) matar. c) esbanjar. d) fugir com. to make bid fazer um lance (leilão). to make bold ousar, tomar a liberdade de. to make ends meet fazer o dinheiro cobrir as despesas. to make free tomar a liberdade de. to make free with tratar com familiaridade. to make fun of ridicularizar. to make good a) confirmar, sustentar. b) cumprir. to make hay of espalhar confusão. to make headway avançar, progredir. to make it vencer um obstáculo, ter sucesso. to make love namorar, fazer amor. to make no doubt estar certo de. to make off a) fugir, partir de repente. b) roubar. to make out a) compreender. b) decifrar. c) fingir. d) distinguir. e) emitir. f) completar, preencher (formulários, guias, etc.). to make over a) transferir. b) renovar. to make place/ room abrir espaço. to make sail fazer-se à vela, içar o velame. to make something on top of someone’s head coll Braz fazer nas coxas. to make sure certificar-se. to make up a) compor. b) combinar. c) reunir, juntar. d) acabar, completar. e) suprir. f) compensar. g) ajustar. h) consertar. i) pintar-se, enfeitar-se. j) elaborar, criar. l) paginar. m) reconciliar-se. n) inventar. to make up for compensar. to make up one’s mind decidir-se, tomar uma resolução. to make up to recompensar. to make war guerrear. to make water coll urinar. to make way a) abrir caminho. b) progredir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > make

  • 20 ninepins

    (a form of bowling in which nine bottle-shaped objects are knocked over with a ball: a game of ninepins; Ninepins is a very good game.) laranjinha
    * * *
    [n'ainpins] n jogo de boliche com nove pinos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ninepins

См. также в других словарях:

  • Good form — Form Form (f[=o]rm; in senses 8 & 9, often f[=o]rm in England), n. [OE. & F. forme, fr. L. forma; cf. Skr. dhariman. Cf. {Firm}.] 1. The shape and structure of anything, as distinguished from the material of which it is composed; particular… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • good form — index decorum, protocol (etiquette) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • good form — noun behavior that conforms to social conventions of the time it is not good form to brag about winning • Hypernyms: ↑propriety, ↑properness, ↑correctitude * * * GOOD MANNERS, manners, polite behaviour, correct behaviour, convention, etiquette,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • good form — noun Behavior that is both morally and socially correct; proper manner, decorum or etiquette. The queen is a model of good form. Ant: bad form …   Wiktionary

  • good form — it is not good form to leave visitors on their own Syn: good manners, manners, polite behavior, correct behavior, convention, etiquette, protocol; informal the done thing …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • good form — Synonyms and related words: amenities, bienseance, civilities, civility, comity, conformity, convenance, convention, conventional usage, conventionalism, conventionality, correctness, courtliness, custom, decencies, decency, decorousness, decorum …   Moby Thesaurus

  • good form — /gʊd ˈfɔm/ (say good fawm) noun conduct that satisfies current commonly accepted standards …  

  • good form — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun Socially correct behavior: decorum, etiquette, manner (used in plural), mores, propriety (also used in plural), p s and q s. See USUAL …   English dictionary for students

  • good form — noun behaviour complying with social conventions …   English new terms dictionary

  • good form —  In accordance with accepted social conventions …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • form — n 1 Form, figure, shape, conformation, configuration are comparable when they denote the disposition or arrangement of content that gives a particular aspect or appearance to a thing as distinguished from the substance of which that thing is made …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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